Hockey at 54

St. Kate's 2004 Alumnae Hockey at Ridder Arena in Minneapolis, MN at 54. It started with a rink in our back yard at 1122 Lane Place, next door to Mikey Jennings'. I grew up in a neighborhood of boys with their homemade chugs, (the Federowski's) and an alley that the sheenie came through with his horse and wagon filled with whatever. We had a park in front of our house where the twins, my brothers, Mario & Geno, actually went out to play (at age 2) without clothes. The Manos' family, Greeks, had the only girls (Connie & Vaciela whom we called Telo). Dad built a gym set out of cast iron pipe, next to Flathman's kennelled hunting dog, a black lab. Gerry was director of Parks & Rec and a great referee. It was the early 50's and we had moved to the East Side. Sports were everything, kick the can, etc. but skating reigned supreme, especially hockey. Duluth & Case was the location of our local playground, where I actually won local speed skating contests. Onto the J-ettes at Johnson HS, our skating unit coached by Sharon Gredvig & Gunnar Sheff. We were issued Army surplus anoraks with fox rimmed hoods for 6 AM outdoor practices before school. The boys had the prime practice times. Johnson was in the State Hockey Tournament many years. No sports for girls, as this was the 60's. No sports at St. Kate's either, thank God for Title IX in 1972! Washington HS (Frogtown) on Rice Street was my first teaching assignment in '70.I started coaching volleyball in '72 and never looked back. Girls were EQUAL! Don't forget that we still haven't passed the Equal Rights Amendment. Started playing on a female hockey team with my students Debbie Covlin, Laurjie Lundgren and Cindy Baumann. It was Kathy Gregory's softball team from Mendota & with a combination of the East Side, North End & West Side, we played in So. St. Paul's arena with practices at 10PM because that was all the ice time that was available. My team jersey was Barry Cartage, a trucking firm. There were only 5 teams to play against: Roseville, River Falls, Normandale Junior College & ? Thanks to fellow coaches Rod Magnuson & John Broderick who actually came to River Falls to see us play. Bob Turner was too busy coaching his girls' team & Washington's boys. Now I play only for an alumnae game.
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