XX Winter Olympics, 2006 Torino, Italia, Congrats USA Women's Hockey...Going for the Gold!

Women's hockey has come a long way in a short time. CSC vs Alumnae, Ridder Arena, Nov 13, 2004, part of the 100th year Centennial of CSC. At least I was on the ice when the alumnae scored ...wearing equipment from Washington, Como Park & Johnson HS, Sarah Follmer's (Como '2004 a la Kyle) skates, CJ Hanratty's (Como '2006) skates and finally Kate's skates. Johnson's gloves (Bucky K) and Como Park's vintage yellow & black stockings, breezers and vintage pads from the '70's era Washington HS (Wally Kranz, John Brodrick, Rod Magnuson) I played defense, Billy Schaeffer and Dane Walters! Dec 30, 2005, Team Canada played USA at the Excel. It was awesome, but if you play like you did yesterday against Finland, look out Canada. A memoriam to Herb Brooks: you were my mentor; as is Rod Magnuson, who is currently volunteering his time to Como's team, when he's not smoking up the golf courses, I mean burning them up. Bonnie Brings, keep those drones flying, you epitomize women's hockey! And especially to Como's skater with a prosthetic in the the Lake Placid ParaOlympics!
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