Mangia, Mangia

Food, Italian style. Making pizzelles, wine balls, scotzal, and now Anna's pavlova, meringue, w/ cream & fruit! Ana's secret ingredients of lime juice & vinegar...the treasure of Phaidon's Silver Spoon, the Bible of Italian cooking for 50 years and just published in English, my Christmas gift to myself. I usually just ask for a cord
of wood. I hate to burn our white birch. Jennie's secret ingredient in pizzelle is honey. Arlecchino Ferruccio Soleri adored her pizzelle and searches for heather "miele," available only in Europe. We adored Arlecchino, Servant of Two Masters, commedia dell arte by Carlo Goldoni, directed by Stefano di Luca at Pantages Theater, November, 2005. The slapstick comedy was another love story.
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