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Enter at your own risk an eclectic journey through a cluttered mind, streaming consciousness, not to be understood by all, but freed by me to you...

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

My guy, Mark, believes in speed, his that is, not that of a machine's, or of a car's.
He is testosterone personified.

Alice is our Italian cousin in Salerno. She looks like her mother, Simona, whom I saw at that age, with her doll "Susina." Roberto, your heart shaped pizza from the Tivoli forno was the best!

Wild Salmon, Hazeltine Golf, "Untitled"

Wild Salmon Art in Anchorage, much like our Snoopy characters in St. Paul

"Untitled," Senior Show 2004, Gina

Flag Throwers at Festa; Alaska

Bean's Cafe in Anchorage.

Sorry but the white tailed deer are from Jackie in MN, the orphaned grizzly is in a refuge, and the flag throwers performed at Festa in Milwaukee.


Alaska, Anchorage to Talkeetna, Portage Glacier and Bean's Cafe; Matt, Gina & Rachael in Portland, Oregon, where the Northwest Jesuit Volunteer Corps headquarters are. Gina revisiting her former clients at Bean's.

Is there life after volleyball? The daily adrenaline rush from teaching & coaching in an inner city high school pales in comparison to new found energy. How did I ever find time to work? Life is more than good. Are you flying with me, Jesus? Prayers to the reformed scholar St. Augustine and his worried mother, St. Monica.

Ely, Boundary Waters,

dream team


Riding the rails in Alaska

Riding the rails in Alaska on the Midnight Star, staying at the Mt. McKinley Princess Wilderness Lodge, 39 miles from Denali in the cloudy background. Franta & Ze from the Czech Republic told us Denali surfaced the day we left. We never got to fly the summit so we hung around Talkeetna and visited the cemetery of those who never made it. Suzy Mulvaney made this Native coat for sale at the Taos museum.

http://beans.ak.org Jesuit Volunteer Corps

http://beans.ak.org download winter newsletter 2005 giving insight & dignity to our friends, the homeless at Bean's Cafe, Anchorage, Alaska.

Mia sorella, Denise, hair artist from first class of Rechelbacher Horst and godmother of Gina.

Franta & Ze in Alaska, Mt. McKinley Princess, Bean's Cafe & Wing Young Huie

Wing Young Huie, Minneapolis College of Art & Design trained photographer, has inspired us. He is an advocate of the strengths of our diversity as seen in Frogtown, the title of one of his books AND where, for 35 years, I taught highschool art, photography, & English. Coached varsity volleyball coach for 30 seasons, track for 8 seasons & filed a Title IX lawsuit in 1977. Something about standing up if you think you're right, even if you stand alone. Welcome to the "Giraffe Society" for sticking your neck out. As I was showing my class Blong, on the cover of Wing's book, I questioned how close his likeness was to one of my students and the student answered "Blong is my brother and he is getting a haircut by my father on our front porch." Thanks, Wing!

Colatrava Milwaukee Art Museum

Photos include Colatrava designed Milwaukee Art Museum at noon, when it opens & closes. Wearing "Italian girls, best in the world" t-shirt. Cousins Afton & Rachel Snook, Gina's red "Nalgene Abstracts" purchased & on exhibit at Coeur de Catherine, College of Saint Catherine, St. Paul, MN. Michele. Private screening of Boy's Don't Cry at Oak Street Cinema for Como Park HS GLBT Gay Straight Alliance field trip.

Imagine...Gina, the artist

Gina's center tryptich, "Eskimo Kiss," 2005 ice carving, & her rainbow ballroom at St. Kate's.

All Art Is Metaphor

Pictures from a trip include a suitcase from the Milwaukee Art Museum...Guerrilla Girls, you're seeing 1/2 the picture w/o the vision of women artists and artists of color. Welcome to my virtual gallery!