Help me identify the women with Captain Herodd. Leave a comment/email, please!

Marianne was a top notch nurse who had to deal with a fair amount of motion sickness. The Norwegians wear metal wristbands and seem to thwart it. Our chef was the best, too.

Our doctor was par excellance, too. His specialty seemed to be EENT, Eyes, Ears Nose & Throat. That was Geno's assignment at St. Albans' Naval Hospital in Long Island, from May, 1969 to 1971. He wanted to become a physician's associate. So much for dreams.

If anyone can identify any of the women in this group, please leave a comment. They gave me a puzzle block landscape of Norway for a present. I need to email this to them. I tried on the ship but never knowing if the signal was good, I don't know if they got it. Maybe Captain Herodd knows one of them?

Our favorite saxophone player left after one week. Too short! He was responsible for charging my cell phone. Thanks, Lisbeth!

Our favorite wait staff!!!! She was great because she found time to talk with us. We heard that they get paid $25 an hour, and their jobs get rotated.