Women's history month...what about the rest of the year? We can't even get the Equal Rights Amendment passed. It took until 1920 to get to vote. Why rush?

To be a mother...each culture interprets it differently. It is the ultimate responsibility. Que mujer!

Roberto, Simona & Alice in Roma, Italia. No blue eyes in this group. Big brown ones!

Italian cousins Simona and Alice in Rome checking out USA Ranelli Gregory family photos.

Erminia plans to cook up a storm, especially using veal, with treasures Paolo brings home.

Proudly standing in front of his medals of honor. He warned us not to go to Sicily, because it was dangerous there. He remembered me. He has a box of everything I have ever sent him in the last forty years!!

Eyes of blue, Zio Mario Di Nino, brother of Grandma Concettina Di Nino Ranelli, 86 years old, Former carabinier, highest military Italian polizia.

Streets of blue.

Pockets of blue.

City of blue.

Norwegian stave church & cemetery. Minnesota has its own replica.

Water is so healing & refreshing.

The Last Supper, Maundy Thursday. Washing of the feet. Way of the Cross. Via dolorosa. Crucifixion. da Vinci code? Gospel of Judas? Shroud of Turin, not on exhibit during the Olympics, but went to church anyway. Confession in Italian, absolution in Spenish.

Follow the light. Where will it lead? Doorways into doorways, inviting corridors leading, going where? Spiritual dreams. Medugorje (miracle of the sun), Yugoslavia. Now Slovakia & Croatia. Smell of roses, metal turning gold. Appartions in my unretouched photos. Signs? Only if you have faith. Only if you believe. Dubrovnik, St. Blase Cathedral, blessing of the throat. Why did he still die of multiple myeloma cancer?

Art historical interpretation of the descent from the cross. Golgotha, hill of skulls, necropolis...the killing fields, repeated daily.
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