Gena is so sweet. She and her sister in law, Ellie, met me in Gibraltar. We were the only three who stayed in the car rather than put up with the wild monkeys who know how to open car doors and purses. We became fast friends, especially at the Gibraltar Arms Pub, where they wanted to smoke and didn't really want an English speaking, non-smoking person hanging with them. I told them I would do whatever they wanted to do. When I needed a place to store my luggage in Barcelona they were the first to suggest I could leave it with them. What kindness!

Robert Berman, USA, with 2 Brits from Somerset, England. He left the cruise early to fly to Scotland. Making him laugh was my goal.

Ellie's first words to me were "I'm from Bergen." Rain was the topic as I fought for the position by the car window so that I could open it and poke my camera lens through. We toured the St. Michael Cave's before ascending to the top of Gibraltar. The water continued dripping through the cavernous hole in the ground, making a dangerous situation even more slippery.

The Costa Blanca, the White Coast, of Alicante, goes for miles and miles. We took a train where construction along the shore was exploding. No one seemed to be in the water but everyone was by it. I met some Americans studying abroad who didn't mind sharing their football and volleyball.
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